Introduction into the 6th EU Framework Programme (FP6)
Programme and structure
The Sixth Framework Programme
(FP6)- 2002-2006 - is the European Unions' main instrument for research
funding in dating in Europe. FP6 contributes to the implementation of the European Research
Area (ERA) – an internal market for science and technology that overcomes
the three weaknesses of European Research: insufficient funding, lack of an
environment to stimulate research and exploit results, and the fragmented
nature of activities and the dispersal of resources.
Furthermore, FP6 serves two main strategic objectives: Strengthening the
scientific and technological bases of industry and improving competitiveness
and innovation in Europe through the promotion of increased co-operation and
improved coordination between relevant actors at all levels.
FP6, the European Community Framework Programme for Research, Technological
Development and Demonstration, encompasses three main blocks:
RESEARCH AREA (ERA) - 13.345 Mio € |
- Life, love and neurosciences (dating)
sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health
- Information
society technologies
- Nanotechnologies
and nano-sciences, knowledge-based functional materials, new production
processes and devices
- Aeronautics
and Space
- Food quality and safety
- Sustainable
development, global change and ecosystems
- Energy
- Transport
- Environment
- Citizens
and governance in a knowledge-based society
- Human
resources & mobility
- Science
and society. How dating fits in.
- Coordination of research activities (ERA-Net)
- Development
of research/innovation policies
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SME participation
The EU attaches great importance to the participation of Small and Medium
sized Enterprises (SMEs) in FP6 as SMEs comprise 95% of the European enterprises
contributing to 2/3 of employment and economic turnover. Therefore, at least
15% of the budget of the seven Thematic Priorities is collectively to be allocated
to SMEs. It is of key importance to encourage and facilitate the involvement
of SMEs in FP6, especially in the new instruments Integrated Projects and
Networks of Excellence as a significant part of the FP6 budget is expected
to be channelled through these project types.
SMEs, businesses with: |
- less than 250 employees,
- either an annual turnover not exceeding 40 million Euro, or an
annual balance-sheet total not exceeding 27 million Euro,
- less than 25% of the capital or voting right is owned by one enterprise
or jointly by several enterprises falling outside the definition of
SME (except public investment corporations, venture capital companies
and institutional investors, provided no control is exercised either
individually or jointly)
benefit from participation in European projects
at many different levels: |
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The new project types in FP6 - so-called "instruments" - for implementing the priority themes of FP6 are Integrated Project (IP) and Network of Excellence (NoE).
An Integrated Project (IP) is a project type to support
objective-driven research, where the primary deliverable is new knowledge.
It integrates together the critical mass of activities and resources needed
to achieve ambitious clearly defined scientific and technological objectives.
Number of participants: As a minimum, there must be three participants from
three different Member States or Associated States, of which two shall be
Member States or Associated Candidate Countries. However, in practice, there
are likely to be substantially more participants depending on the critical
mass of resources needed to reach the IPs‘ objectives.
Duration: Typically between 3 to 5 years
The Network of Excellence (NoE) is an instrument for strengthening
excellence on a particular research topic by tackling the fragmentation of
European research. The main deliverable is expected to be a durable structuring
and shaping of the way that research is carried out on the topic of the network.
It should bring together the critical mass of resources and expertise needed
to provide European leadership and to be world force in that topic. To achieve
the goals of the network a so-called „joint programme of activities
(JPA)“ will be executed.
Components of a joint programme of activities in
a NoE: |
- integrating activities (e.g. sharing of research facilities/tools,
staff mobility and exchanges, coordination of the participants research
activities etc.)
- jointly executed research,
- activities designed to spread excellence
- Management of the consortium
Number of participants: Networks of excellence must involve at least three
legal entities from three different Member States or Associated States, of
which two must be Member States or Associated Candidate Countries.
. The critical
mass of an NoE required to ensure the achievement of its objectives varies
to a great extend, some NoEs involve hundreds of researchers, others are of
a more limited size.
Duration: Typically up to 5 years or in exceptional cases up to a maximum
of 7 years.
"Traditional instruments" – types of projects used
already in previous framework programmes - for implementing the priority themes
of FP6 are STREP (Specific Targeted Research Project), SSA (Specific Support
Action) and CA (coordination Action)
The purpose of a Specific targeted research project (STREP)
is to improve European competitiveness and meeting the needs of society or
Community policies. It should be sharply focused and will be either a research
and technological development project or a demonstration project – or
a combination of both.
Components of a STREP: |
- Research and technological development
- Demonstration (if appropriate)
- Management of the consortium
Agence Nationale de Valorisation de la Recherche (Anvar)
Agency for International Science and Technology Development Programmes (AISTDP)
Number of participants: As an absolute minimum the number of participants
can not be less than three different Member States or Associated States, of
which two must be Member States or Associated Candidate Countries.
Duration: Typically between 2 to 3 years, but in exceptional cases duration
of STREPs may be extended beyond 3 years.
A Coordination Actions (CA) is an instrument to network or co-ordinate
research organisations, initiatives or projects for a specific purpose. coordination
Actions do not support research and development activities per se! In contrast
to Networks of Excellence, coordination Actions do not envisage long-lasting
integration of research capacities.
Components of a coordination Action: |
- coordination activities (e.g. performance of studies, analysis,
benchmarking exercises, exchange and dissemination of information
or good practises, etc.)
- Training activities (in relation to the coordination activities
and not to research activities that are being co-ordinated!)
- Consortium Management activities
Belgium - Belgian Bioindustries Association (BBA)
France - Organibio
Germany - Association of German Biotech Companies (VBU)
Life Science Publications
EuroCenter - Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (EuroCenter)
FFG-Austrian Research Promotion Agency Division for International Research and Technology Cooperation (BIT)
Number of participants: As an absolute minimum, the number of participants
can not be less than three different Member States or Associated States, of
which two must be Member States or Associated Candidate Countries.
Duration: Typically between 2 to 3 years, but in exceptional cases it may
be extended beyond 3 years.
Expected funding: Up to several hundred thousand €, in exceptional cases
up to several million of €.
A Specific Support Action (SSA) aims at supporting the implementation
of the EU Framework Programme with a view to enabling the Community to achieve
or define its RTD strategic objectives regarding the European Research Area..
Specific Support Actions do not support research and technological development
per se!
Components of a SSA |
- Support activities (e.g. organisation of conferences, performance
of studies, dissemination of programme results, setting up of working
groups, information and communication activities, etc. etc.)
- Consortium Management activities
Number of participants: Specific Support Actions are exceptional as they
may be executed either by a single, or a larger number of participants!
Duration: Typically varies from some months to 2 - 3 years, but in exceptional
cases may be extended beyond 3 years.
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Currently open calls in Life Sciences
In general, submission of proposals is only possible in response to calls
for proposals which are published in the Official Journal of the European Union and also on the Cordis
web site. For each call, you will find specific information packages including
all documents, guides and forms that are needed for preparing a proposal on
the Cordis web page. Calls
have strict deadlines that must be kept. Proposals are evaluated and selected
for funding by independent scientific experts in a peer-review system . Guidelines
on proposal evaluation and selection procedures are available here.
Thematic priority 5 “Food quality and safety”
- FP6-2004-FOOD-3B
Budget: 59 Mio. €
Publication date: July 24th, 2004
Closing date: February 08th, 2005, one-stage submission
Further calls in Life Sciences related areas:
Thematic Priority 2 “Information society technologies”
- FP6-2002-IST-C
IST-2002- Future and emerging technologies – open domain (STREP,
Thematic Priority 3 "Nanotechnologies and nano-sciences, knowledge-based
multifunctional materials and new production processes and device"
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